I had the great opportunity of going through leadership training last summer and then was invited to be a lead coach in that training this past spring. I’ll link the company below.
In this training as coaches, we were encouraged to follow and set the example of Leadership Distinctions. Those distinctions are as follows:
- If it’s meant to be it’s up to me. “I AM RESPONSIBLE”.
- 100% is possible 100% of the time. “BE IN POSSIBILITY”
- Live life like mine and other people’s lives depend on it. “Urgency”.
- Be in generosity.
- Committed action versus psychological evaluation.
Today I am going to focus on the first two. If you have not read my blog on “GENEROSITY” (#4) please do so.
There is great power and freedom in the statement, “I AM RESPONSIBLE.” Being in responsibility requires us to let go of blaming others or ourselves for things that don’t go according to plan or else the imposing walls that seem to limit our vision of what is possible. When we blame others or even enroll ourselves into the “stories of our past,” we are giving fodder and power to those outside entities. Martin Luther King Jr’s, “I HAVE A DREAM” speech:
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and
the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of
injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where
they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today
continue reading the MLK speech link here
He was enrolling all of America and the world into his VISION. His message of “forward movement” and to let go of blame by first acknowledging the atrocity and then inspiring a vision was leadership in it’s most epic form. It was a plea for us to recognize something that was awful so that we would not repeat it, and it was followed by a vision of what is possible. If you were to read any biography or article on MLK, you will immediately recognize all of the distinctions of leadership harnessed on his back and a willingness to stand for something far greater than himself. MLK was leadership, and his legacy stands today as one of the greatest world leaders in history.
The archetypes of leadership are all inspiring. It is possible within each of us. MLK knew, upon encouragement from friends and colleagues that he himself was called to action, as he embodied, “IF IT’S MEAN TO BE IT’S UP TO ME.”
My personal Vision statement is, “I AM COMMITTED TO CREATING GLOBAL UNITY.” With that vision at the helm of my everyday awareness, it inspires me to be conscious of my actions and my “ways of being” in every moment and within every decision I make. I ask myself, “Is this action, or is my current way of being an inspiration or movement toward global unity?”
What is your VISION?
A “VISION STATEMENT” gets to be simple and straightforward. Keeping it short and uncluttered will serve you and promote clarity. (Leave your vision statements in the comments below) By declaring it out loud will, in turn, move the powers of the universe to serve that vision.
Enrolling others in your vision: What is required of you to enroll others into your vision?
- Passion and enthusiasm.
- Clarity on what the vision looks and feels like (Use all 5 senses to imagine it)
- Committed action on your part. Your ways of being and your committed action will inspire others to trust you, and before you know it, they will surround you and elevate you.
- Empowering others. When you empower others to lead and to create your end product will be greater than even your initial vision.
The Mechanics: What is your “MISSION STATEMENT”?
A mission statement includes possible mechanisms that will move you and others toward your vision. While we don’t want to, nor can we anticipate all the possible mechanisms that will present themselves we can imagine what some of those will be, based on who we already are and what we already have accomplished. The mission statement should begin with your Vision statement as follows and include your core values and personal principles:
“I, Brionne Davis, am committed to creating global unity through the art of storytelling,
public speaking, and mentorship. I am committed to inspiring and empowering others
toward unity through my example of compassion, responsibility, generosity, and courage.”
When I look back on my past experiences where I enthusiastically approached and championed a vision the outcome was certain and always successful. Have I failed? Yes, many times. Have I been rejected, betrayed, laughed at?

2007 “A NOBLE EXILE” – A One Man Show inspired by the writings of Tennessee Williams.
However, and more importantly, I have inspired others, saved lives, and created many things from my imagination; intangible to the tangible. When the going gets tough and I feel a bit disoriented or dismayed, I allow myself to “let go” and remind myself of my mission statement and power forward with my intention and vision.
LEAVE YOUR MISSION/VISION statement in the comments below. And commit to stepping into it now! Say it loud and say it bold!
That’s right. When we live in vision and possibility everything is possible. The mechanics of which that vision becomes tangible may change, shift, or appear unexpectedly or from unexpected opportunities. Our job is to say, “yes” to the mechanics as they appear, be open in peripheral awareness, and not create expectations around exactly “HOW” a vision will be realized.
Cannes 2015 after seeing the premiere of EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT. The film won the DIRECTORS FORTNIGHT
award and go on to win the Sundance Sloan Award and be nominated for the 2016 Oscars.
The mountain may look high, and the wind may blow cold. The rocks may sprain your ankles and the support may be lost. Yet through it all, the vision of what you want will become a tangible reality as you navigate, traverse, and move forward.
When you are met with walls, failures, or uncertainty, ask the following question: What else is possible? If this one mechanic isn’t working then be open to others. BE SOLUTION ORIENTED and let go of blame, shame, and victimhood. Remind yourself of your MISSION STATEMENT and know that you have a purpose; that purpose is so much greater than just yourself.
For further inspiring work and to work one-on-one with me (Actors, Directors, Entertainment, and Entrepreneurs) please visit my courses page.
If you would like to elevate your leadership skills with what is, in my opinion, the greatest leadership trainers on the planet visit HEART CORE LEADERSHIP and ask me how you can join.
As for me, creating global unity begins at the home, at the store, in every conversation, and within myself. So with that, I leave you with that vision. I’d love you to join me.
Have an amazing day!